Private Pilot Checkride Oral Exam Preparation
5 Hours of “REAL WORLD” training detailing EXACTLY what you need to know to properly prepare for and pass your Checkride! This training focuses on PRESENTATION, RISK MANAGEMENT and SCENARIO BASED TESTING.
Covers Everything You Need to Know in Detail to Pass
This 10 video course focuses on the oral portion of the CHECKRIDE and will walk you through just about everything, in detail that could come up during your checkride. You will be shown exactly what you need to know to prevent surprises and avoid questions from the examiner that will lead you down a bad path. You’ll learn how to properly present the information to the examiner to guarantee success. Memorizing facts and being able to read symbols is not enough to pass your CHECKRIDE!
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Avoid Common Failure Areas
Learn exactly how to present the information like a pro, avoiding areas that will lead you down the wrong path. You will keep the upper hand and maintain control of the oral exam if you follow this simple process.
Scenario Based Testing
By preparing for your oral exam using this process, it will help you will work your way through scenarios given by the examiner with ease. You will know how to give the examiner exactly what they are expecting from you.
Aircraft Systems and Malfunctions
Easy to understand explanations of the aircraft systems and how they work. Knowing how the systems operated will help you when it comes to problem solving equipment and system malfunctions.
Weather Charts
We will walk through several weather charts, explaining them in detail. You will be able to explain to the examiner how you use the charts to make a go / no-go decision, while minimizing risk.
Aeromedical Factors
You’ll be able to explain the causes, effects and corrective actions for aeromedical factors. This is important to know, not just for the checkride, but in real life.
Risk Management
This covers Risk Management, Aeronautical Decision Making, Task Management, Controlled Flight Into Terrain, Checklist usage, and more. This area is incorporated into your whole checkride and is spelled out in the new ACS.
Checkride Review
Sign up for the Best, Most Realistic Private Pilot Oral Exam Preparation that you will find anywhere! This 10 video course will save you hundreds of dollars of ground instruction at your local flight school.
The FAA and the Examiner said; “It was the best observed ride we have ever seen and his knowledge of weather was way above average”.

This is the testimonial from yours truly
“When the Examiner showed up for my students checkride, he had the FAA with him doing an observed ride. This means that the FAA was examining the Examiner who was giving the checkride, so you know he wasn’t going to miss anything! Talk about double pressure!
After my student passed his checkride using these preparation methods. The FAA and the Examiner both said to me that it was the best observed ride they have ever seen and that his knowledge of weather was way above average.”
Joe Standley CFI, CFII, MEI
This is the Examiner who was being observed by the FAA during my Students Checkride
“My name is Gail LaPook and I am a designated pilot examiner in the Chicago area. I have tested many of Joe Standley’s students over the years. I know that when I get one of his people that I am going to see an applicant that has been well taught and well prepared for his encounter with me. He is a really good, detail oriented instructor and gives his students the benefits of his years of experience. He has always called me to get a de-brief of his student’s performance and asks me if there are things he is not covering completely. Usually, my de-brief is a very positive one as I feel Joe takes his job as a flight instructor seriously unlike other instructors that teach at the surface level and short change their students. I have no reservations about praising Joe as a good choice for a flight instructor .”
The following is the testimonial from the student mentioned above
“I came to Joe looking to get my instrument rating. He not only got me there but progressed my flying more than I thought was possible during an instrument rating course. I felt enormously prepared and confident going into my checkride and I passed with ease. The FAA examiner said it was one of the best checkrides she had seen in a couple years. And all I did was fly the way Joe had taught me to fly. Joe stands out above other instructors I’ve had because no matter your experience level, he will get you to where you need to be. He demands a lot, but that’s because he knows what you need to do to get better. He motivates you to study hard and sets expectations for your ground training and your flights. He emphasizes precision and will teach you to be consistent, which is the biggest hurdle for a new instrument pilot. Joe teaches the control and performance method of instrument flying and I was amazed by how quickly my airmanship developed. His approach is to fly as much as possible and maintain proficiency. This is essential to doing well on a checkride. During my training, all my time was in the plane, not in a sim, and we flew in IMC as much as possible. Although even when VFR, my training was just as good. He uses products like ForeFlight to increase SA and make the training as real and accurate as possible. It was reassuring knowing Joe wouldn’t send me to the checkride unless I was more than ready. I was definitely ready and he also got me there in a minimum amount of hours. Joe instilled a new level of discipline in my flying and I am grateful for that type of instruction. I did very well in military pilot training, and I attribute a lot of that to what I learned from Joe. He is a phenomenal instructor and I would recommend Joe to anyone who is serious about taking their flying to the next level!”
The following is an opinion from a fellow instructor
After watching all ten videos, I must say you’ve developed an outstanding product; its’ ability to accurately depict the oral exam will be of immeasurable benefit to Private Pilot students. Well done! I’m impressed with the content and quality of your product. Thank you for allowing me access to it.
Only $49
Buy Now and We’ll Include These FREE Bonuses!
These are detailed lessons in PDF format covering common problem areas! These lessons contain the equivalent of several hours of instruction time, which would easily cost you a few hundred dollars if you were to pay an instructor to teach you all this information. They are very easy to understand.
Aviation Weather Lesson
This aviation weather e-book describes in detail, just about all the aviation weather charts you will need to cover on your private pilot checkride. It isn’t a book that teaches you how to read the symbols, but instead focuses on making sense of everything you see.
It will help you understand what the weather is doing so you can make a confident “GO / NO-GO” decision. The info in this e-book alone would take about 2 1/2 hours of instructor time to cover in detail which could cost you over $125.
VOR Navigation Lesson
The VOR e-book walks you through the steps to easily understand how to use VOR’s. These are NOT the same explanations you find in all the other boring books out there.
This explains in terms anyone can understand and visualize with little effort using a couple of easy memory aids. Many people have to review VOR’s more than once because of confusion about how to use them, this should clear up the confusion and save you money.
Ground Reference Maneuvers Lesson
The ground reference maneuvers e-book gives valuable tips for people struggling to perform these maneuvers correctly. This e-book contains many pictures for easier visualization, pointing out exactly what you should be looking at during each phase of the maneuver.
This lesson usually ends up being repeated by students costing them well over $100 more than it should, just because they cannot recognize if the maneuver will work out or not until it is too late. This e-book should help you visualize things much better.
This 10 video course and the bonuses give you the equivalent of approximately 9 hours of flight instructor training, which would cost well over $400 at your local flight school.

No Beating Around the Bush, No Fluff Training
This video training is the most realistic, true to life private pilot oral exam prep courses anywhere. It walks you through the process, step by step so you know exactly how to present the information to the FAA Examiner without backing yourself into a corner and opening up doors that could lead to areas that could get you into trouble. This is the best value you can get for your money, taught by an experienced, award winning flight instructor with over 8000 hours of experience.
Straight forward, to the point, easy to understand instruction from Joe Standley, an instructor that is recognized by a National Association as one of the best. You’ll learn the exact method he uses to successfully finish all of his students with a near perfect pass rate every time! No beating around the bush, no fluff! You learn exactly what you need to breeze through your oral exam like a pro!
Only $49
There are 10 videos that are approximately 30 minutes each. You will be emailed log in information to a PRIVATE MEMBERS AREA where you will have up to one full year to watch the videos as many times as you like. The price cost less than ONE flight lesson but will give you HOURS of training in exchange. It is money well spent to achieve your dreams.
This program and guarantee is for U.S. pilot training only!